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FUSION, Executive Committee Members of
GGAS SSS HKUSU Session 2013-2014


Chairperson: Cho Hin Ting, Frankie
Internal Vice-Chairperson & External Secretary: Fok Chun Yu, Marco
External Vice-Chairperson & Financial Secretary: Chiu Tin Yan, Queenie
General Secretary & Academic Secretary: Lo Ho Wen, Owen
Social Secretary & Publication Secretary: Ong Sze Nga, Tiffany
External Secretary: Ng Man Hing, Jennifer
Publicity Secretary: Ma Siu Sin
Welfare Secretary: Tai Diana
Programme Secretary: Li Lok Hin, Desmond

"Fusion" implies the intergration of different elements, and it represents both the diversified nature of our cabinet and the nature of academic pursuits in Geography, Geology & Archaeology. Despite sharing the common passion in Geographical knowledge, our cabinet members come from very different discliplines, including Arts, Business, Science and Social Science. Yet we believe that such diversity can lead to higher efficiency and productivity since one's weakness can be complemented by others' strengths. Our minds are diversified but unified. We appreciate differences and adopt holistic approaches to solve problems. Unity and diversity are among the essential elements which help us join hands to fulfil our responsibility towards our members and the society.




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